How to Install Cortex XDR on Linux – EXOsecure


Download the Installation Package

Install the Cortex XDR Agent package

Verify the installation

Reboot your Linux device 

Before installing the Cortex XDR agent on a Linux endpoint, verify that the system meets the requirements described in Cortex XDR for Linux Requirements.
Download the installation package.
Software installation packages will be provided from your account activation email and by signing into your account from your order/subscription details.
Install the Cortex XDR agent Package.
Use the following workflow to install the Cortex XDR agent using the shell or package Manager.
    • The Cortex XDR agent for Linux is designed to protect Linux servers and operates transparently in the background as a system process. The agent also extends exploit and malware protection to processes that run in Linux containers. When you install the Cortex XDR agent on a Linux server, the agent automatically protects any new and existing containerized processes regardless of the container solution (for example, docker). Each Linux server receives a single license which includes protection for container processes.
      You can also deploy Cortex XDR agents on virtual Linux servers as temporary sessions, to ensure the Cortex XDR agent license returns to the license pool after 90 minutes of session inactivity and to improve your network temporary workloads.

      After you install the Cortex XDR agent for Linux, it is typically not necessary to interact with the agent; however, to perform common actions, such as initiating a manual checkin with Cortex XDR, you can use the command-line utility named Cytool. Cytool is available in the

      /opt/traps/bin/cytool directory and must be run as root or with root permissions.
      If you intend to use SELinux, make sure to enable it before you proceed with the Cortex XDR agent installation. This ensures that the agent disables any injection-based modules that cause compatibility issues. If you later enable SELinux, you must reinstall the agent to avoid any compatibility issues.


      • Copy the installation package to the Linux server on which you want to install the Cortex XDR agent software.
        For example, to copy the file securely from a local machine to the Linux server:

        user@local ~ $ scp 100% 21MB 1.2MB/s 00:18

      • Log on to the Linux server.
        For example:

        user@local ~ $ ssh

        Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-1041-aws x86_64) * Documentation: * Management: * Support: Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest: 0 packages can be updated. 0 updates are security updates. Last login: Tue Dec 26 22:14:15 2017 from

      • Install the Cortex XDR agent software.

        You can install the Cortex XDR agent on the endpoint manually using the shell installer or using the Linux package manager for .rpm and .deb installers.

        To deploy using package manager:
      • Depending on your Linux distribution, install the Cortex XDR agent using one of the following commands:
        RHEL, CentOS, or Oracle

        yum install ./filename.rpm


        rpm -i ./filename.rpm

        Ubuntu or Debian

        apt-get install ./filename.deb


        dpkg -i ./filename.deb


        zypper install ./filename.rpm


        rpm -i ./filename.rpm

      • Verify the agent was installed on the endpoint. Enter the following command on the endpoint:
        dpkg -l | grep cortex-agent


        rpm -qa | grep cortex-agent

        To deploy the shell installer:
      • Enable execution of the script using the

        chmod +x filename


      •  install script as root or with root permissions.
        For example:


        cd /tmp


        ls root@ubuntu:/tmp$

        chmod +x

        root@ubuntu:/tmp$ ./

        Verifying archive integrity… All good. Uncompressing Cortex XDR 634e4d93bb3fb87a Installer for Cloud 100% [*] Extracting Cortex XDR Installer Verifying archive integrity… All good. Uncompressing Cortex XDR agent_linux-0.7.0-dbg installer 100% [1] Checking prerequisites Verifying Debian (dpkg) packages: * openssl … OK * ca-certificates … OK Done [2] Installing Cortex XDR at /opt/traps Done [3] Creating logger directory Done [4] Installing AppArmor policies Done [5] Defining Cortex XDR local services (systemd) Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/traps_trapsd.service. Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/traps_pmd.service. Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/traps_authorized.service. Done [*] Starting Coretx XDR security services (systemd) Done

        Additional options are available to help you customize your installation if needed. The following table describes common options and parameters that you can use but does not provide an exhaustive list. Use the –help option to print the help for the installer.

        If you are using rpm or deb installers, you must also add these parameters to the /etc/panw/cortex.conf file prior to installation, without the leading double dash.

        Without Kernel Module Installation

        Use the


        option if you do not want to install the Cortex XDR agent kernel module. If you install the agent without the Cortex XDR kernel module or your Linux server runs an unsupported kernel version, the Cortex XDR agent will operate in asynchronous mode where:

        • Continuous event monitoring required for Behavioral Threat Protection is disabled.
        • Sharing endpoint activity data with Cortex apps is disabled.
        • ELF file examination occurs in parallel with the file execution. If the Cortex XDR agent obtains a malware verdict for the ELF file, it terminates the file execution. Security events for malware in asynchronous mode are assigned a high severity due to the potential for continued execution during the verdict request while security events in synchronous mode are medium severity.
        • All other exploit and malware protection is enabled per your Linux security policy.

        — –proxy-list ”




        Proxy Communication
        Configure the Cortex XDR agent to communicate through an intermediary such as a proxy or the Palo Alto Networks Broker Service.
        To enable the agent to direct communication to an intermediary, you use this installation option to assign the IP address and port number you want the Cortex XDR agent to use.
        Use commas to separate multiple addresses. For example:
        — –proxy-list “,”
        You can assign up to five different IP addresses per agent, and the proxy for communication is selected randomly with equal probability.
        To enable the agent to use the Broker Service, you must set up a broker VM in your network and use this option to assign the agent the Broker VM IP address with port number 8888.
        After the initial installation, you can change the proxy settings from Cortex XDR.
        VM Template
        Temporary session
        Virtual Installation
        Deploy Cortex XDR agents on virtual Linux endpoints as temporary instances, ensuring the Cortex XDR agent license returns back to the license pool after 90 minutes of session inactivity and improving your network temporary workloads. Choose your preferred workflow:

        —Install the Cortex XDR agent only on the Linux endpoint you are using to create the VM template. Every instance you create using this template, will include the pre-installed Cortex XDR agent. For example:

        $ ./ — –vm-template
        Fresh install

        —Install the Cortex XDR agent on the Linux VM after creating the VM template, as part of provisioning. For example:

        $ ./ — –temporary-session
        — –restrict=restrict_
        Disable Live Terminal, script execution, and file retrieval on the endpoint
        Use to permanently disable the option for Cortex XDR to perform all, or a combination, of the following actions on endpoints running a Cortex XDR agent: initiate a Live Terminal remote session on the endpoint, execute Python scripts on the endpoint, and retrieve files from the endpoint to Cortex XDR. Disabling any of these actions is an irreversible action, so if you later want to enable the action on the endpoint, you must uninstall the Cortex XDR agent and install a new package without this flag

        To disable all actions, use the corresponding flag:

        To disable a specific action, use the corresponding flag:
        • –restrict=live_terminal

          —Use to disable Live Terminal.

        • –restrict=script_execution

          —Use to disable script execution.

        • –restrict=file_retrieval

          —Use to disable file retrieval.

        To disable more than one option, use any combination of these flags.

        The script installs the files for the Cortex XDR agent for Linux in the /opt/traps folder with the Cytool utility available at/opt/traps/bin/cytool

Verify the installation

    • After the agent successfully connects to the server for the first time and retrieves a valid license, the agent begins protecting the Linux server.
      If the Cortex XDR agent does not connect to Cortex XDR, verify your internet connection and perform a check-in on the endpoint. If the agent still does not connect, verify the installation package has not been removed from the Cortex XDR management console.
    • For a list of available options, enter the

      cytool command without any arguments or with -h or –help.

Reboot your Linux device

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